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A Magical Disney Vacation-For all!


Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Cinderella's Castle-Magic Kingdom

As a child I loved Disney World. It was magical...just like they say. The first time I went I was three years old. My only memory is shaking Mickey's hand. I come from a large family so going to Disney was a big deal, we arrived when the park opened and left when it closed.

As I got older my dad and I would often bring a family friend who had never been to Disney for the day. My mom would stay at the house as this would make the trip more affordable. These were long days, but I remember them fondly.

Over nine years ago my daughter and I were diagnosed with Celiac, about six months apart. I finally figured out the cause of her on going stomach issues when I realized I had Celiac. At the time she was four years old. As any of you who have been, or have children that have been diagnosed with Celiac, know it's a bit of a learning curve. It became hard to eat out, never mind vacation without our own kitchen.

I had heard great things about Disney and their gluten free options. When my children where five and seven we went to Disney. It was WONDERFUL! Not only was it magical for them because it was Disney but my youngest and I could eat anywhere.

Gluten Free Macaroni & Cheese

We ate gluten free in the parks, at the hotels, everywhere and we never got sick! I felt normal. I didn't have to spend days researching! The staff was happy to talk to me about my concerns and address those concerns with me. I did not feel like I was inconveniencing anyone. My daughter was able to eat like every other five-year-old. She could have chicken fingers and french fries, macaroni and cheese, dessert. It was a trip the whole family could enjoy!

I'm so excited to let everyone know that I am now able to help other families plan their magical vacations! I would love to help you plan a vacation to Disney or Universal Studios. Did you know that using a travel agent to plan your vacation does NOT cost extra money? Travel agents work hard to get you the best price available.

I'd love to help you plan your next trip!

Noreen Wheeler

Travel Agent with The Magic For Less Travel


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