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Gluten-Free Expo-Come join us for gluten-free food & beverages!


Flyer for the Gluten-Free Expo on September 30th

Come out and join us for gluten-free food and beverages! I am excited to announce that we will be having a Gluten-Free Expo in Hunt Valley, MD, on September 30th. B.C. Brewery and I are working together on this event. The expo will be held at the brewery. This is a rain-or-shine event and will be taking place outside.

A gluten-free expo is a great experience. When you attend you are surrounded by people who understand the struggles of having to eat gluten-free. It's one of the few times that vendors are catering to your gluten-free needs.

Ten years ago this fall I attended my first gluten-free expo. I had no idea what to expect. I had just been diagnosed that summer and was still trying to make sense of it all. I had purchased lots of expensive products, many of which were thrown away because they did not taste very good. I was excited to learn that I would be able to try products before buying them from vendors. The people around me understood what it was like to have to eat gluten-free to be well. The community sense of "we are all in this together," was overwhelming.

Map of sixty miles or less from Hunt Valley, MD

The expos I have attended have been two to four hours from my home. My hope is that with this location it will be close enough for many people to attend without driving quite as far.

As you can see from the map the expo will be within sixty miles of several Maryland, and Pennsylvania cities. It is also sixty miles or less from Washington D.C., Alexandria, Arlington, and Newark, Delaware.

B.C. Brewery is just across the street from Baltimore's Light Rail. There are several hotels where you can stay nearby or you can take the Lightrail downtown to your hotel. This could be a great weekend getaway in Baltimore.

The expo is family-friendly and free to the public. If you know a vendor you would like to see there send me an email or a DM. I will have a booth at the event so please come say hello and sign up for my giveaway. Come hungry and ready to try lots of gluten-free food and beverages.

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